The Society (ABLS) holds annual meetings in July or August, and field trips are normally offered in conjunction with the meeting. Annual meetings are often held jointly with meetings of the Botanical Society of America or with meetings of other biological societies. Support for student travel to annual meetings is available.
The 2023 ABLS annual meeting will be held jointly with BSA in Boise, ID 23-26 July.
The previous joint BSA and ABLS annual meetings were held in:
Hybrid meeting held jointly with Botany July 2022 in Anchorage, Alaska (meeting minutes here)
Virtual Meeting held jointly with BL2021, July 6-9, 2021, with a separate AGM in August 2021 (minutes here)
Virtual Meeting, July 27-31, 2020
Tucson, Arizona, July 27-31, 2019 (Business Meeting Minutes available here)
Mountain Research Station, Colorado, August 12-16, 2018 (ABLS stand-alone meeting; Business Meeting Minutes available here)
Fort Worth, Texas, June 24-28, 2017 (Business Meeting Minutes available here)
Savanna, Georgia, July 20-August 3, 2016 (Business Meeting Minutes available here)
Edmonton, Alberta, July 25-29, 2015 (Business Meeting Minutes available here)
Boise, Idaho, July 26-29, 2014 (Business Meeting Minutes available here)